Harry Klein empfiehlt … A CLOWNS ILLUSION

Bei dieser interdisziplinären Medienkunstaustellung treffen Illustration von fedralita, Klang von Antun Opic und interaktive Installationen von Capsolé auf spielerische Art und Weise aufeinander.
Zu sehen von 16.01 – 20.01 im Art Babel -> zum Event -> A  CLOWNS ILLUSION

Illustration by Fedralita
video Installation by Capsolé
live music by Antun Opic

Come to our imaginary Clown World! where carpentry is music and music is illustration and illustration is installation. where art is alive. hidden in drawers. up on a balcony. can you walk through walls?
From hell, through purgatory straight to heaven?
yesterday, today and tomorrow in one day, five days in a row
interart project!